Thursday 8 August 2019


One thing that surprises me and has been of bother and great concern to me, is the strength some youth in 'politics' use in defending the glaring 'rape' of our country's resources by elements in successive governments. Under the guise of being 'loyal' to the cause of their political parties, these bunch seek to justify the most unacceptable acts of 'unpatriotism' perpetrated by some leaders at different levels of society.

I always wonder, if these are the same bunch hoping to be at the helm of affairs soon? If so, then the future is more bleak than the present because the perpetration of the cankers will continue unabated. Maybe, we may have to name and shame such youth who engage in such acts of recklessness and self-gratification. Are you myopic not to know that the ills you are supporting today will hurt your regime in which you hope to 'lead' someday?

It is for us as well-meaning youth to preserve and ensure a future that will help in realising the Ghana we envisage. This is because the future is 'our time' and the future is now.

Let's condemn what is wrong and right the wrongs through every possible legal means. That way, the right will be the mundane and the wrong will be eschewed. Yes, we can still belong to political parties and secure a future that can serve generations.


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